Masons on the Moon

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
On July 20th, 1969 Aldrin followed Armstrong down the ladder to be the second man on the moon because he was farthest from the door of the Lunar Module "Eagle".  Aldrin was a member of Montclair Lodge No. 144 of New Jersey 

Brother Leroy Gordon Cooper
Was an Astronaut in the Mercury Space Program and was "raised" a Master Mason in Carbondale Lodge No. 82 in Colorado, April - 1960

Bro. Edgar D. Mitchell
Mitchell was a Demolay Chevalier and member of Artesta No. 29 in New Mexico

Brother Virgil I. Grissom 
was made a Master Mason in Mitchell Lodge No. 228 at Mitchell Indiana
Bro. James B. Irwin
was made a Master Mason at Tajon Lodge No. 104 Colorado Springs

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