June 19, 1566 - March 27, 1625
King of Scotland (1567-1625), and the first Stuart King of England (1603-25), English historians have tended to portray him as a coward and a fussy and foolish pedant: 'The wisest fool in Christendom'. In fact he was reasonably successful in his main goals, increasing national prosperity, maintaining peace with Europe and settling the church. Today, he is remembered for commissioning the so-called King James' Bible, or Authorized Version.

On the west wall of the lodge hall used by Lodge Scoon and Perth No. 3 in Perth, Scotland can be found a mural depicting James VI kneeling at their altar at his initiation. The oldest existing record of the Lodge, called "The Mutual Agreement" of 24 December, 1658, records that James was "entered Freemason and Fellowcraft of the Lodge of Scoon" on 15 April, 1601.
James also appointed William Schaw as Master of the Work and Warden General in 1583, with the commission of re-organising the masonic craft. In 1598, Schaw issued the first of his statutes, setting out the duties of masons to their lodge and to the public, imposing penalties for unsatisfactory work and inadequate safety practices. Schaw drew up a second statute in 1599 wherein the first veiled reference to the existence of esoteric knowledge within the craft of stone masonry can be found.

Initiated: April 15, 1601
Lodge Scoon and Perth No. 3, Perth, Scotland.


1300-165 B.C.
First Hebrew texts set down on papyrus and leather scrolls

250-50 B.C.
Septuagint - First translations from Hebrew to Greek

7th-9th Centuries A.D.
Texts edited into present day form by Masoretes

400 A.D.
St. Jerome's Vulgate - Latin translation. Catholic standard.

1382 A.D.
Wycliffe's Bible. First English translation

1455 A.D.
Guttenberg Bible. First printed Bible, using Vulgate text.

1525-1530 A.D.
Tyndale Bible. First printed English translation from Hebrew texts.

1539 A.D.
Great Bible. First English translation authorized by Church.

1560 A.D.
Geneva Bible. Published by English exiles. Brought to America by Pilgrims.

1582-1610 A.D.
Douay Bible. English translation for Catholics brought to America.

1611 A.D.
King James Bible. Translated by 47 scholars. Most famous English Bible.

1663 A.D.
Algonquin Bible. Translated for Indians. First Bible printed in America.

Confraternity Bible. First U.S. Catholic versions entirely from basic Hebrew sources, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947. These are the oldest available texts, some dating to 200 B.C.

Revised Standard Version. Protestant Bible


D. Crawford Smith and William James Hughan, History of the Ancient Masonic Lodge of Scoon and Perth (Number 3, The Lodge of Scone) Perth: Cowan and Company, Limited, 1898. 

Also see:

Year Book of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland 1990, p. 50. Note that the Contract or Mutual Agreement is the only record of this initiation, that this history was commissioned by the lodge to establish its claims of precedence, and there is no primary source documentation. Image: artist unknown 'detail'. Scottish National Portrait Gallery.

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